Thursday, June 25, 2009

If a blankie's worth a thousand words...

So today, I'm working at home...
..and I let Jonah nap on my "big" bed.

Because he loves it.
..and he's rotten.
As my Gram says.. "Bless his heart!"

I prop huge pillows around him..
and let him snooze.

Well earlier, I peeped in the room to check on him..
..and thought his feet and blankie looked so cute!
So I pushed the pillows I had around him out of the way
and snapped a few.

Sweet boy.

And this is after he woke up...
He loves this blankie.
He makes me laugh.

If a blankie's worth a thousand words..
Then why can't I have two..
All cuddly and blue..
I do.. want two...

(Can't you picture him singing it?)..


..ok, back to work.

Monday, June 22, 2009


"Sitting up"
Taken By: Mommy

Friday, June 19, 2009

He's been faithful..

In my moments of fear

Through every pain... every tear
There's a God whose been faithful to me
When my strength was all gone
When my heart had no song.. still in love
He's proved faithful to me
Every word he's promised, is true
What I thought was impossible
I see my God do..

He's been faithful, faithful to me
Looking back his love and mercy I see
In my heart I have questioned ...even failed to believe
When my heart looked away
The many times I could not pray..
Still my God, He was faithful to me

That song.
Is so incredibly true.

I hope this post may be an encouragement to each one of you.

My life has been busy these days..
I'm either changing a diaper..
Wiping a face..
Shooting a session..
Talking to a client..
Editing pictures..
Out of town..
Ironing dress clothes..
Rehearsing "Bye Bye" and waving..
Feeding my boys..

.. and I haven't felt the greatest.
Ok, honestly. I felt pretty rotten.
But life didn't stop.
It didn't even pause.

My symptoms remained harsh.
And honestly, my faith has been low.
It'd been wearing my body down.
So tired.

I would catch myself praying.. "Lord, help me through this day."

Can anyone relate?

But guess what,
My Lord..
My precious Savior..
Even in the busiest of my days..
Heard my cries.

He heard.
When I only half way prayed.
When I was weak.
When I couldn't even give him my all.

HE heard.
HE knew.

Bro. Jewel Forney, a wonderful minister, preached at my church a few weeks back..
He poured out his heart..
I barely heard any of the service..
Jonah kept me so busy.
Which is fine... I love that miracle-boy.

The end of service came... and while rocking Jonah something came over my heart.

Go have Bro. Jewel pray for you.

And in my flesh... I held back.
But my spirit was willing.

He prayed for me.
The most tremendous prayer.
He told me to "Believe.. and don't accept anything but my healing."

And peace came over me..
Right in the midst of my busy life.
My soul found calm in the middle of this harsh.. rocky.. tiring storm.
He is truly faithful to me.

A series of miracles followed..

Leaving church, I noticed my wedding ring was loose on my finger.
I haven't been able to take it off without force since I had my Jonah...
the swelling has been so awful in my body.
The ring slid right off my finger..
I held it in my palm.

The headaches have stopped.

My eyes have cleared..

The cold sweats have stopped.

I felt tremendously better.

Then, last Sunday, I woke up with the most overwhelming pain in my legs..
Also one of my previous symptoms.
I couldn't walk.. the ache was so great.
I pleaded for my complete deliverance.
I called for prayer.

I layed in my bed and watched the clock.
The pain was too great to sleep... and I couldn't stand.
I watched the clock tick by..

10:25 AM
10:31 AM
10:42 AM

I watched the hands hit.. 10:45 AM
..And the pain INSTANTLY ceased.
I mean... GONE.

I sat up..
Too shocked for words and felt my legs to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

No pain.

As soon as I was sure church was over.. I called my Mom..

On the phone I said..
"MOM! You aren't gonna believe this..
God touched me.. I KNOW it!
I was watching the clock and my pain instantly was gone!"

Mom said, "What time?"


She took a breath and said..
"That would have been exactly when we all were praying for you."

I nearly dropped the phone... and all I could do was feel the
hot tears streaming down my cheeks..
My Lord Jesus hadn't left me..
He is so faithful..
My complete healing was on the way.

..And that's for anyone who is struggling with a sickness.
Our Lord heals.
And complete deliverance is right up to road.

Two days ago,
I had extensive labs done.
If masses of proteins showed up..
They would have to act.

I walked into that Doctor's office..
Completely different.
I wasn't believing for my healing anymore.
I was thanking God for it.

Thank you Lord, I know my body is well.

That was on Wednesday,
I got my final results back today.

In the words of the nurse...
"..Your tests look GREAT! The kidneys were functioning well and there is NO increased protein."

I serve a powerful almighty God.

..and I wanted to share my story. share my healing.
..and to thank you all for the answered prayers.

Every word He's promised, is true.
What I thought was impossible..
I see my God do.
He's faithful.
Faithful to me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A prayer request...

I don't think there is a day go by..
that I don't look at our precious boy...
And thank our Lord Jesus for a miracle.

Tonight my heart was truly touched..
I usually keep up with several children..
and tonight while reading..
I scanned across something..

A sign on a friends blog.

"Pray for Jonah"

Instantly clicked on it.. and read the story of yet another "Jonah"..
My heart poured out for this family..
A child seriously in need of prayer.

His mother writes..

Jonah, who was born with an extremely rare genetic skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa. Jonah is now at home after 32 long days in the NICU uncertain of his future. He has been diagnosed with Junctional EB, which can have a good long-term prognosis or can be lethal in the first year of life. The experts are fairly confident Jonah has the less severe form, although the biopsies were inconclusive. He faces a life of painful blisters, hair, nail, and major teeth issues, as well as the possibility of respiratory involvement. Jonah is literally point five in a million. We suspect EB is the cause of Gabe's death. We know that no matter what happens with Jonah, God will be glorified. We can't wait to see Gabe in Heaven and can't wait for Jonah to meet his big brother a long, long, long time from now after he's old and gray and lived a long, full life. Please pray for a miracle for Jonah. We are.

Dear friends, if you have a moment in your day.
Please pray for this Jonah, too.
Our God is still a healer!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sit up Jonah-boy

Sit up Jonah-boy.

One of my proudest moments
so far with our little man.

Just had to post a quick blog.. and share some of my joy!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sweet mornings...

This is Bella.
She's my precious little cousin..
After Jonah... she has my heart.

And now I've decided..
That no matter how many beautiful outfits Jonah has..
No matter how much I swab him with baby magic...
He will ALWAYS be the most precious first thing in the morning.
I adore his sweet baby smell...
His toothless grin...
His swollen little eyes..

This morning...
I even took pictures.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy day.

I think I'm pretty much a normal parent.
I mean.. EVERY single adorable moment that my child looks cute..
I grab a camera.

Just.. a pretty large camera.

I really do take pictures of other people.
But sometimes.. I can't resist posting this face.




Telling me all about it.

the "lips together" look. :)

See that birdy outside...

Lovin' that birdy.

Sweet boy...


Back to work.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Daddy takes cam...

So Tonight..

Jeremy took charge of my camera & this is what we got.
Can everyone say..
"Way to go Jer!"

He knows I'm so particular.

I now realize nobody can capture my love for our baby his Daddy.

Honey, Thank you for the pictures.

Thank you for being there.

Thanks for being my "bestie" and sharing our most precious gift.

.. and here's a look for all of our dear friends.


the perfect gift.

smiles for daddy.

sweet kisses.

picture perfect.

mommy baby smiles.

the perfect pair of noses.


I'm blessed.
Truly.. I am.