Sunday, March 29, 2009

So she may write..

My dearest friends & readers,

I've decided to write.. again. After so many appreciated e-mails asking me to please pick up my blog or write a book. I realized if my words can encourage even smallest of us.. then that's what we shall do. I don't see my writing as an "all that", but only a tiny piece of my heart written down. I do hope you enjoy reading...

I'm proud to say, Real life has happened to me and I've realized what's important. It's terribly different than my single life ideas of what "living" was.

It isn't the bustle of city streets and how many brand purses you have. It isn't living a fairy tale life. It isn't having a perfect house with a white picket fence. It isn't the funny feeling you get in your stomach when you fall in love..

It's the little things God gives us.

The ones that no amount of money can buy and if we aren't careful they can slip through our fingers like small grains of sand..

For me right now, It's seeing Jonah's happy face when I pick him up in the morning. Knowing he's healthy..

It's seeing how proud Jeremy is that Jonah weights OVER 14 lbs and how he tells everyone he knows.. "My little boy weighs 14 pounds!"

...Each and every pound is more precious to us than fine gold.

Seems like only yesterday I was sitting behind a small clear box, listening to the soft beeping of many monitors. and watching his tiny body breathing oh so gently..

up and down..

up and down...

... and wondering if I would ever again in my life see a treasure so small and yet so beautiful. Oh.. to hold him, to love him, to rock him, to sing him sweet lullabies. My baby, my angel, so much smaller than any doll I ever played with as a little girl.

God truly gave us an amazing gift.

I still sit beside him in complete awe ... I love how his little pasi bobs like a tiny cork and his eyes blink.. blink... blink. It warms my heart. Children are miracles, each and every one..
God bless you today.

1 comment:

Thanks so much for commenting! I enjoy reading them SO much! Thanks! :)