Tuesday, September 6, 2011

...six little princesses

I've realized that my entire life revolves around toy trains..   baseball bats... 
 cowboy hats...   trucks...  and slimy froggies.

...and as much as I love it, somewhere deep inside of me...
I long for tea parties..   silk ribbons..    and bouncy curls. 

This day I got the opportunity to work with SIX precious little ladies.
 I wanted to sit back and drink it all in.

If any of you...have ALL boys ... or only one "real" boy.
You know exactly what I'm talking about ... and you're
smiling right now...   and probably  nodding your head.
We love our rough little men.

But, the little girl in all of us...    if we admit it...     still walks past the aisle
in the toystore with the china dolls...      and runs our fingers over the
 pink tiny purses to go with those dressup clothes.

So I'm saving a spot in my heart...   for my "someday little girl"...
I can only hope she'll be as precious... 
and adorable.. 
and funny..
as these six.



  1. Precious pictures they will cherish forever!

  2. Beautiful!! Having girls is a lot of fun!! :) I love it! I love my big boy too! can't wait til your someday comes and you have a little Princess!

  3. You did a beautiful job on this photo session!! You had beautiful girls to work with as well:-)


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